Self Belay
The Self Belay is an innovative patent-awarded climbing connector which increases safety and eases operation. First introduced in Family Entertainment and Adventure centers, over the years the Self Belay proved just as useful in traditional Climbing Gyms and Trampoline parks.
Minimizes clipping errors
The Self Belay minimizes clipping errors because of its patent-awarded design.
Eliminates webbing and rope twisting
The Self Belay swivel can rotate at 360 degrees which eliminates rope or webbing twisting thus providing a safer and more comfortable experience for the climber.
Easy to use by children
Children ad young as 5-years old can easily use the Self Belay on their own as using it requires no physical strength.
Reduces the staff required by half
By reducing clipping errors and the need for supervision, the Self Belay reduces the staff needed for operation as well. Centers using the Self Belay can lower their staff by half, compared to ones using simple carabiners.
Easy to clip and un-clip
Clipping at the wrong place or the belay line slipping out of the climber’s hands are among the main reasons why children often require additional assistance when climbing. The Self Belay eases the clipping and un-clipping process with its unique circular locking mechanism. The technology allows for children as 5-years old to climb on their own without additional assistance.
How it works?
The Self Belay is the only patent-awarded climbing connector engineered to ensure that the auto belay stays attached to the gate until the climber is safely and properly clipped in.
No rope or webbing twisting
The 360 degrees swivel rotation of the Self Belay allows the device to preclude rope or webbing twisting. This feature makes climbing better, more comfortable and safer for the participant.
Easier Operation
The Self Belay reduces the staff looking after climbing activities of any facility it is installed in. This comes naturally from the fact that the device minimizes clipping mistakes and is easy to use by even the youngest participants.
Additional Information
Included in the Self Belay Set:
1 Self Belay Body
1 Self Belay Key
2 Self Belay Delta Maillons
Initial Warranty: 1 year + 1 additional year after re-certification
Re-Certification Program:
- You order a Self Belay re-certification in our website
- We deliver to you new or refurbished devices
- You send us back your old devices
Package Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 5 cm
Package Weight: 1kg
Delivery Quote will be provided upon Check Out
Self Belay Annual Recertification
The Self Belay Annual Recertification Program is part of the Self Belay Annual Maintenance Program. As we know that every day counts, we ensure that our clients continue operating at full capacity during the Re-Certification process.
The re-certification process will ensure compliance with the safety standards, safe operation, and additional warranty for 1 year in four easy steps.
You can also opt-in for our Premium Subscription-based Recertification Service. This program aims to make recertification even easier. For as little as $14,95 per device per month, we will automatically deliver replacement Self Belay devices to you a few weeks before your warranty expires so that you can easily swap them out. That way, you will always be on top of your annual maintenance schedule without having to go through ordering, making purchase orders or paying a bulk sum. We will also take care of the return of your old devices for you by providing a prepaid label.